Mission and fields of research
The members of the laboratory conduct, develop and disseminate research in the fields of educational alliances and school retention in order to enrich reflection and promote the evolution of practices.
The members of the laboratory conduct, develop and disseminate research in the fields of educational alliances and school retention in order to enrich reflection and promote the evolution of practices.
Lasalé was born out of exchanges between different research teams with a desire to understand how educational alliances work and to co-construct solutions with partners in the field.
The HEP Vaud set up this laboratory in December 2011. It is currently co-directed by Delphine Odier-Guedj, HEP Vaud (Switzerland) and Marie-Eve Boisvert, University of Montreal, (Canada).
The laboratory brings together international members from multiple academic disciplines (including educational sciences, sociology, sociolinguistics), various paradigms, and diverse professions.
Our scientific study goals are to understand the functioning of educational alliances (various forms of collaboration) and the challenges surrounding early school leaving in order to co-construct, with partners in the field, solutions that promote the school retention rates of all pupils.
The laboratory is developing 4 interconnected study topics:
Faced with multifactorial phenomena, these cross-cutting issues are approached from 4 angles:
The laboratory organises an annual programme of activities for its members and the general public in order to conduct, develop and disseminate research, encourage exchanges and enrich reflection and disseminate resources.
Find the current projects on the “research projects” page.
Find information on these activities on the “events” page.
Throughout the year, various activities are organised by Lasalé members and various partners:
For more information on the dates: see the calendar.
Flyer presenting the next webinars organised by the Lasalé: HEP_lasalé_flyer_web_A5_4 pages_2023
Presentation website of the next webinars organised by lasalé: https://www.hepl.ch/accueil/actualites-et-agenda/actu-hep/deux-webinaires-pour-donner-la-parole-aux-jeunes.html
Faced with risky situations, the school plays an essential role in school retention.
To be read soon
Building educational communities to best support pupils in their school career.
To be read soon
Synonymous with school disaffiliation, dropping out of school affects many young people.
To be read soon