Brief research overview
This study, carried out in Switzerland, aims to shed light on the risks of dropping out, and the vulnerability factors contributing to apprentices leaving special needs vocational training.
The special needs vocational training centre (CFPS) Repuis has joined forces with lasalé in order to better understand the realities of apprentices and the causes of dropping out. For this research project, we had access to the exhaustive files of 120 young people who completed their training between 2015 and 2018, with information related to their schooling, their family and social background, as well as relevant information about their physical and mental health. The study sheds light on the pitfalls encountered during the apprentices’ journey, showing how some of their difficulties remained unaddressed, which could have led to the dropout. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a global professional project based on the young persons’ point of view and their level of achievable initial involvement.
Main objectives
The project “Le Repuis, j’y tiens” aims to address apprentices’ dropout situations, through action focusing on three areas:
- The involvement of apprentices in their training;
- The promotion of an enabling environment that considers family situations and specific supports;
- The development of tools for the measurement and continuous improvement of the first two points.
Associated researchers
Omara Sansegundo Moreno, assistante diplômée UER PS:
Luc Lambert, directeur adjoint Le Repuis, Grandson, Vaud:
Phase 1: identify the main causes of dropping out using an examination of the involved beneficiaries’ files (August 2017-April 2018)
Phase 2: based on the results of phase 1, and if relevant, develop and implement a dropout prevention program (August 2018- June 2019)
For more information
Please contact directly one of the researchers whose email is mentioned above. Thank you.
Publications related to this research topic, please see
Sansegundo Moreno, O., & Lambert, L. (2021). “Entre spécifique et spécialisé, ou lorsque la prescription néglige l’individualité. L’étude “Le Repuis j’y tiens” et les causes de décrochage en formation professionnelle spécialisée”. 5ème Colloque international du LASALE «Les “alliances” face aux “nouvelles”problématiques éducatives à l’école». Université de Cergy, Paris. Mars 2021
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