Project – Research axis – Pedagogy and didactics
Pseudo-SOF (Pseudo-words and the french orthographic system)
This study aims to identify the graphemes or series of graphemes which are the hardest to decode in French.
This study aims to identify the graphemes or series of graphemes which are the hardest to decode in French.
The learning methods of the reading-decoding process rely on a progression in the presentation of grapho-phonemic matches based on the consistency and regularity of these conversions. However, it appears that the pronunciation of certain graphemes, considered to be relatively consistent, is much more dependent on context than previously thought (e.g., e, in, an). Participants will be required to read aloud pseudo-words presented on a computer screen as quickly and accurately as possible. The latency times between the time when the item appears on screen and the start of their oral responses will be recorded, as well as the responses.
This research aims to:
Anne-Françoise de Chambrier, professeure à la HEP VD: anne-franç
Catherine Martinet, professeure à la HEP VD:
Myrto Atzemian, assistante à la HEP VD:
Michel Fayol, professeur émérite à l’Université de Clermont-Ferrand:
Pascal Zesiger, professeur à l’Université de Genève:
Please contact directly one of the researchers whose email is mentioned above. Thank you.
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